Build 104 of the Basingstoke beta is now on Steam!
What is it?
It’s the new and improved Basingstoke, with a more fleshed out campaign mode and a whole load of new features… and a few bug fixes.
Where do I get it?
If you’ve previously opted in to the beta it should update automatically. If not, you can select it in Steam from the game’s Properties… > Betas > Beta Participation dropdown.
If you have any feedback, bug reports, or questions, come join us on our Discord!
What’s new?
- Fixed inventory scrolling sometimes would get stuck, not allowing next or previous selection when using controller or keys.
- Fixed cash display sometimes not showing the correct amount, making shop ‘insufficient funds’ look incorrect.
- Fixed map zoom with controller zooming in on the wrong position.
- Fixed test items were still craftable.
- Added skins for Horde mode characters.
- Added controller rumble and option.
- Added find player/start/exit buttons to map.
- Changed camera shake option to also affect aberration fx in intro.
- Changed undiscovered areas of map are shown as flat black, rather than completely hidden.
- Changed popup help controls – show map, show next help, or close help, depending on context.
- Changed brightness control to reset to default of 0.5 when ‘off’, rather than 0.
Here’s the full change list for the beta so far…
New Levels
- 283 new scenery items.
- Level 4 – new mid area.
- Level 8 – new mid and end.
- Level 9 – new start.
- Level 10 – new end.
- Level 11 – new start and end.
- Level 12 – all new, with ending.
- End game sequence and screen.
- Added UI Scaling option.
- Added Camera Shake slider.
- Fixed sliders sometimes getting focus stuck, blocking any other selection.
- Better handling of platform-dependent options – hide if unavailable.
- ** Added controller rumble and option.
- ** Changed camera shake option to also affect aberration fx in intro.
- ** Changed brightness control to reset to default of 0.5 when ‘off’, rather than 0.
Instant Replay
- Improved display UI – label when generating, close button when playing.
- Fixed broken Instant Replay resolution handling / playback in UI.
- Disabled video player closed after saving.
- Added ability to record audio.
- Added Instant Replay options section with options for resolution, duration, FPS and audio capture.
- Fixed visitor pass and sandwiches being spam gifted.
- Fixed looping messages bug.
- Fixed controller sticks not playing nicely when in a shop.
- Fixed prev/next keys being wrong way round.
- Fixed shop hints formatting.
- * Added option to view item info in shop and vending machines.
- ** Fixed cash display sometimes not showing the correct amount, making shop ‘insufficient funds’ look incorrect.
- Fixed timers, eg door unlocks, not being removed if map accessed whilst active.
- Fixed finding luggage would break map opening.
- Fixed cursor position and glitch when exiting map, when using controller.
- Fixed hide icons function to work when using mouse, not just with controller.
- Fixed destroying a vending machine at the same time as opening it would break the map.
- Added zoom and hide icons controls to map side panel.
- ** Fixed map zoom with controller zooming in on the wrong position.
- ** Added find player/start/exit buttons to map.
- ** Changed undiscovered areas of map are shown as flat black, rather than completely hidden.
- Fixed kill achievements not registering if the enemy was killed with massive damage.
- Photography achievement – enemies now have one of a set list of Species.
- Photography achievement – made checks for enemy in photo less strict.
- Fixed missing postcard.
- Fixed meteorite trails bug.
- Fixed lift animation could get stuck, if audio interrupted.
- Fixed custom audio distance dropoff of some scenery items not being applied.
- Fixed audio of some scenery items playing when level starts, and not fading in.
- Fixed chainsaw audio so hit sound plays on every attack, reduced volume of start and idle sounds.
- Fixed player quips error.
- Fixed death stings audio, so SFX and music are in separate sources, music respects music volume option.
- Fixed enemies defined as guards not looking where they should be.
- Added various tweaks to enemy spawning and behaviour based on difficulty autotuning.
- Replaced enemies block player hurdling, with knockback enemies that player collides with.
- * Fixed lobbed items respawn bug, AKA infinite kebabs.
- * Fixed eggbomb sometimes exploding as if it were underground.
- * Fixed spraying the Nexus receptionist with hairspray breaks spraying.
- * Fixed telescope appears unfocused.
- * Fixed new level 12 prowlers too fast.
- * Fixed behaviour of stuff thrown off walkways in the underground lab.
- * Fixed crucifix shield errors.
- Fixed various memory leak problems.
- Fixed crash when querying a control that has no bindings.
- Fixed chainsaw info text, added animation for on/attacking.
- Fixed chainsaw fuel meter missing when reselecting from inventory.
- Fixed level intro titles still animating when paused.
- Added Zoom control, works when held in game and in map.
- Added enemy models to enemy info.
- Moved Horde mode gameover times to main gameover UI, rather than being on a separate screen.
- * Fixed suitcase dialog not appearing when getting to a campsite.
- * Fixed new achievements not registering.
- * Fixed quitting from Horde mode saves the game, which then breaks restart in campaign mode.
- * Fixed restarting after dying when playing from a saved game could start player in a unplayable position.
- * Added input hints to side panel, eg. fire to craft, tab for info.
- * Fixed saved game was being deleted when clicking on new game option, rather than when actually starting a new game.
- * Fixed incorrect insurance info.
- * Fixed tentacle preview model not appearing.
- * Added SELECT CHARACTER and SELECT LEVEL labels to character / level select screens.
- * Changed crafting info layout.
- * Added FRAGILE warning to melee weapons when near breaking.
- ** Fixed inventory scrolling breaking, not allowing next or previous selection when using controller or keys.
- ** Fixed test items were still craftable.
- ** Added skins for Horde mode characters.
- ** Changed popup help controls – show map, show next help, or close help, depending on context.
* Build 103
** Build 104
There’s more to come too, so stay tuned for Build 105!
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