The joys of Maxscript.
Here’s a quick bit of code for grabbing the animation timings from a model that has been imported to Unity, and sticking them in an array. I’m using it to automatically fill in the multilistbox on the right, which lets me crop the timeline to the selected animations.
unityAnimList = #()
s = openFile (pathName+characterName+".fbx.meta")
skipToString s "clipAnimations:"
while ((skipToString s "name: ")!=undefined) do (
animName = readline s
skipToString s "firstFrame: "
firstFrame = readline s as integer
skipToString s "lastFrame: "
lastFrame = readline s as integer
anim = #(animName,firstFrame,lastFrame)
append unityAnimList anim
close s
Normal postcard service will resume at some point in the future, probably.