Category Archives: Diary

Puppygames Spends Crowdfunding Money On Development Shocker

If you’ll forgive our cheesy UK tabloid press headline parody, this post will explain what we’ve spent our crowdfunded money on so far!

So back in August 2014, we set up a crowdfunding page on Patreon, with the fairly modest goal of achieving an income of $5000 per month. At the time Chaz and Alli were about 3 months into development of Basingstoke, which was supposed to be a “little” game that took 3-6 months to complete (2.5 years later and it’s still nowhere near finished!). I was about one year of full-time development into an entirely different game, the mythical Battledroid.

The idea was that the Patreon funding would enable me to continue to work full-time producing Battledroid, which would see it reach a publicly viewable state within about a year, having already spent about a year on development. Puppygames itself was making just enough money to fund Chaz and Alli on Basingstoke, albeit at sub-minimum-wage levels.

Easy, I thought – just look at how much cash people are throwing at hopeless Kickstarters.

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Import Unity animation timings to 3dsMax

The joys of Maxscript.

Here’s a quick bit of code for grabbing the animation timings from a model that has been imported to Unity, and sticking them in an array. I’m using it to automatically fill in the multilistbox on the right, which lets me crop the timeline to the selected animations.


unityAnimList = #()
s = openFile (pathName+characterName+".fbx.meta")
skipToString s "clipAnimations:"
while ((skipToString s "name: ")!=undefined) do (
 animName = readline s
 skipToString s "firstFrame: "
 firstFrame = readline s as integer
 skipToString s "lastFrame: "
 lastFrame = readline s as integer
 anim = #(animName,firstFrame,lastFrame)
 append unityAnimList anim
close s

Normal postcard service will resume at some point in the future, probably.